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niedziela, 30 marca 2014

literatura obcojęzyczna dla pasjonatów: Grundlagen der Finanzwirtschaft von Klaus Schredel...

literatura obcojęzyczna dla pasjonatów: Grundlagen der Finanzwirtschaft von Klaus Schredel...: Grundlagen der Finanzwirtschaft von Klaus Schredelseker

Grundlagen der Finanzwirtschaft von Klaus Schredelseker

Grundlagen der Finanzwirtschaft von Klaus Schredelseker

Bücher: Grundlagen der Finanzwirtschaft  von Klaus Schredelseker
Das Buch legt den Schwerpunkt auf die Vermittlung eines tieferen Verständnisses für die Funktionsweise moderner Finanzmärkte. Es gibt Antworten auf zentrale Fragen wie: Warum können Meteorologen Vorhersagen machen, Finanzwirtschaftler aber nicht? Warum ist es sinnvoll, an einem Spiel teilzunehmen, bei dem man zu den Verlierern gehört?

literatura obcojęzyczna dla pasjonatów: Der Verkäufer der Zukunft

literatura obcojęzyczna dla pasjonatów: Der Verkäufer der Zukunft: Der Verkäufer der Zukunft   Das Buch bietet ...

Der Verkäufer der Zukunft

Der Verkäufer der Zukunft

Bücher: Der Verkäufer der Zukunft


Das Buch bietet Verkufern die Chance, sich auf knftige Anforderungen vorzubereiten und schon frhzeitig die Weichen fr die berufliche Entwicklung zu stellen.

środa, 26 marca 2014

literatura obcojęzyczna dla pasjonatów: Globalisierung: Wirtschaft und Politik von Eckart ...

literatura obcojęzyczna dla pasjonatów: Globalisierung: Wirtschaft und Politik von Eckart ...: Globalisierung: Wirtschaft und Politik von Eckart Koch Die nationalen Grenzen haben ihre wirtschaftliche Bedeutung weitgehend verloren ...

Globalisierung: Wirtschaft und Politik von Eckart Koch

Globalisierung: Wirtschaft und Politik von Eckart Koch

Die nationalen Grenzen haben ihre wirtschaftliche Bedeutung weitgehend verloren - die internationalen Wirtschaftsbeziehungen werden damit zunehmend von neuen, "intraglobalen" Wirtschaftsbeziehungen abgelöst. Das Buch analysiert und strukturiert Ursachen und Erscheinungsformen dieser Entwicklung, stellt Akteure und ihre Strategien vor und diskutiert die Folgen der Globalisierung, ihre Chancen und Risiken. Der Autor skizziert Möglichkeiten der nationalen Politiken zur Beeinflussung der Globalisierung und entwirft das Modell einer globalen Wirtschaftsordnung mit den Säulen Globale Sicherheitsarchitektur, Globale Wirtschaftsarchitektur und Globale Sozial- und Umweltarchitektur.

Das Lehrbuch richtet sich nicht nur an Studierende der Wirtschafts-, Sozial- und Politikwissenschaften an Universitäten, Hochschulen und Berufsakademien, sondern auch an Praktiker, Wirtschaftsfachleute und alle diejenigen, die an den Kernfragen unserer Zeit interessiert sind, Wissen und Informationen sinnvoll strukturieren möchten sowie Anregungen und Argumentationshilfen suchen.
Bücher: Globalisierung: Wirtschaft und Politik  von Eckart Koch

wtorek, 25 marca 2014

literatura obcojęzyczna dla pasjonatów: Das Geld von Max Wirth

literatura obcojęzyczna dla pasjonatów: Das Geld von Max Wirth: Das Geld von Max Wirth   Das vorliegende Werk d...

Das Geld von Max Wirth

Das Geld von Max Wirth

Bücher: Das Geld  von Max Wirth


Das vorliegende Werk des Journalisten und Nationalökonoms Max Wirth (1822 - 1900) behandelt die Herausbildung des Geldes als Tauschmittel. Wirth veranschaulicht dabei chronologisch den Ursprung des Geldes in Ägypten und Vorderasien sowie die Weiterentwicklung des Geldwesens im Mittelalter bis hin zum Ende des 19. Jahrhundert das Geldwesen. Darüber hinaus finden sich zahlreiche Abbildungen der unterschiedlichen Münzsorten im jeweiligen Zeitraum.
Nachdruck der Originalausgabe aus dem Jahr 1884.

piątek, 21 marca 2014

literatura obcojęzyczna dla pasjonatów: Werbung

literatura obcojęzyczna dla pasjonatów: Werbung: Werbung   Die Themen des aktuellen Schwerpunkts: Guido Zursti...



Bücher: Werbung


Die Themen des aktuellen Schwerpunkts:
Guido Zurstiege: Vom Künstlerplakat zur postideologischen Werbung. Kontinuität und Wandel der strategischen Kommunikation
Clemens Schwender: Werbewirkung aus medienpsychologischer Sicht
Interview mit Christian Scheier: Neuromarketing: die Überprüfung des Bauchgefühls
Jo Reichertz: Glück als Konsumgut? Massenmedien und die Werbung als Produzenten von Glücksvorstellungen
Interview mit Susanne Stark: »Werbung ist ein Spiegel der Zeit!«
Claudia Mikat: Was darf Werbung?
Interview mit Julia Busse: »Alle Kugeln im ordnungsgemäßen Zustand!« Über die Arbeit des Deutschen Werberates
Tilmann P. Gangloff: Neue Medien, alte Methoden. Die Quotenforschung ist hierzulande noch nicht im Tablet-Zeitalter angekommen
Klaus-Dieter Felsmann: Brausepulver und der Duft der Peter Stuyvesant

wtorek, 18 marca 2014

literatura obcojęzyczna dla pasjonatów: Social Media Vertriebscode - GEKNACKT! von Martin ...

literatura obcojęzyczna dla pasjonatów: Social Media Vertriebscode - GEKNACKT! von Martin ...: Social Media Vertriebscode - GEKNACKT! von Martin Sänger

Social Media Vertriebscode - GEKNACKT! von Martin Sänger

Social Media Vertriebscode - GEKNACKT! von Martin Sänger

Bücher: Social Media Vertriebscode - GEKNACKT!  von Martin Sänger

Social Media ist in aller Munde: Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, YouTube – diese Plattformen boomen nachhaltig. Während die einen Firmen versuchen, alle Möglichkeiten zu nutzen und sich dabei nicht selten verzetteln, legen die anderen eine beinahe trotzige Verweigerungshaltung an den Tag. Dieses Buch erklärt nicht einfach, wie man Social Media nutzt, sondern wie man die Handlungsmotive der Nutzer besser versteht und diese auch im Alltag als Verkäufer oder Unter­nehmer so umsetzen kann, dass man auch in der Offline-Welt spürbare Umsatzsteigerung erzielt.

niedziela, 16 marca 2014

literatura obcojęzyczna dla pasjonatów: Grundlagen des Tourismus

literatura obcojęzyczna dla pasjonatów: Grundlagen des Tourismus: Grundlagen des Tourismus

Grundlagen des Tourismus

Grundlagen des Tourismus

Bücher: Grundlagen des Tourismus  von Bernd Eisenstein, Torsten Kirstges, Marco A. Gardini, Waldemar Berg, Axel Schulz


Dieses Buch besteht aus fünf etwa gleich umfangreichen Modulen:
(1) Einführung Tourismus von Waldemar Berg
(2) Grundlagen Verkehr im Tourismus von Axel Schulz
(3) Grundlagen der Hotellerie und des Hotelmanagements im Tourismus von Marco A. Gardini
(4) Grundlagen des Reisemittler- und Reiseveranstaltermanagements von Torsten Kirstges
(5) Grundlagen des Destinationsmanagements von Bernd Eisenstein

sobota, 15 marca 2014

literatura obcojęzyczna dla pasjonatów: Kundenzufriedenheit von Klaus Graebig

literatura obcojęzyczna dla pasjonatów: Kundenzufriedenheit von Klaus Graebig: Kundenzufriedenheit von Klaus Graebig

Kundenzufriedenheit von Klaus Graebig

Kundenzufriedenheit von Klaus Graebig

Bücher: Kundenzufriedenheit  von Klaus Graebig


Dieses Buch richtet sich an alle, die in einer Organisation Verantwortung für die Zufriedenstellung der Kunden tragen. Auf Basis der QM-Normen DIN ISO 10001 "Leitfaden für Verhaltenskodizes für Organisationen", DIN ISO 10002 "Leitfaden für die Behandlung von Reklamationen in Organisationen" und DIN ISO 10003 "Leitfaden für Konfliktlösung außerhalb von Organisationen" wird das Thema Kundenzufriedenheit rundum verständlich erklärt und kommentiert. Nützliches Hintergrundwissen zu normativen Zusammenhängen rundet den Inhalt ab. Die zweite Auflage wurde durch die Themen "Überwachung und Messung der Kundenzufriedenheit" sowie "Service Excellence" mit den beiden zugehörigen Standards DIN ISO/TS 10004:2011-11 und DIN SPEC 77224:2011-07 ergänzt und inhaltlich aktualisiert.

środa, 12 marca 2014

literatura obcojęzyczna dla pasjonatów: Die 5 Zukunftsbrillen von Pero Micic

literatura obcojęzyczna dla pasjonatów: Die 5 Zukunftsbrillen von Pero Micic: Die 5 Zukunftsbrillen von Pero Micic ...

Die 5 Zukunftsbrillen von Pero Micic

Die 5 Zukunftsbrillen von Pero Micic

Bücher: Die 5 Zukunftsbrillen  von Pero Micic

Der Leser erhält ein grundlegendes Verständnis für den methodisch fundierten Blick in die Zukunft. Anhand des Eltviller Modells der fünf Zukunftsbrillen lassen sich die für jede Unternehmensstrategie wichtigen Fragen beantworten wie: Welche Geschäftsfelder sollen wir erschließen, welche verlassen? Was wollen unsere Kunden zukünftig? Wer sind unsere zukünftigen Kunden? Wie entwickeln sich der Wettbewerb und Markt? Welche Handlungsoptionen haben wir? Das Buch bietet damit ein solides Fundament für eine tragfähige unternehmerische Zukunftsstrategie, mit der Sie Ihre Wettbewerbsposition verbessern können, indem Sie weiter und breiter schauen als die Konkurrenz. Für die 3. Auflage wurde das Buch inhaltlich völlig überarbeitet und aktualisiert.

niedziela, 9 marca 2014

literatura obcojęzyczna dla pasjonatów: Michael Jackson: The Life Of An Icon

literatura obcojęzyczna dla pasjonatów: Michael Jackson: The Life Of An Icon: Michael Jackson: The Life Of An Icon See Michael Jackson, one of the most recognizable and p...

Michael Jackson: The Life Of An Icon

Michael Jackson: The Life Of An Icon Movie

Michael Jackson: The Life Of An Icon

See Michael Jackson, one of the most recognizable and popular entertainers of all time, like never before in the feature-length tribute Michael Jackson: The Life of an Icon. Known to millions of fans worldwide for his record-breaking albums, groundbreaking music videos, mesmerizing dance moves and humanitarian efforts, his true story has never really been told. . . until now. This unprecedented look into the King of Pop's fascinating life includes all-new interviews with his mother Katherine Jackson as well as siblings Tito and Rebbie Jackson, family, friends and music legends such as Smokey Robinson, Dionne Warwick and many more. 

literatura obcojęzyczna dla pasjonatów: Financial Intelligence A Manager's Guide to Knowin...

literatura obcojęzyczna dla pasjonatów: Financial Intelligence A Manager's Guide to Knowin...: Financial Intelligence A Manager's Guide to Knowing What the Numbers Really Mean

Financial Intelligence A Manager's Guide to Knowing What the Numbers Really Mean

Financial Intelligence

A Manager's Guide to Knowing What the Numbers Really Mean

Financial Intelligence : A Manager's Guide to Knowing What the Numbers Really Mean - Karen Berman
Since its release in 2006, Financial Intelligence has become a favorite among managers who need a guided tour through the numbers—helping them to understand not only what the numbers really mean, but also why they matter. This new, completely updated edition brings the numbers up to date and continues to teach the basics of finance to managers who need to use financial data to drive their business. It also addresses issues that have become even more important in recent years—including questions around the financial crisis and those around broader financial and accounting literacy. Accessible, jargon-free, and filled with entertaining stories of real companies, Financial Intelligence gives non-financial managers the confidence to understand the nuance beyond the numbers—to help bring everyday work to a new level

About the Author

Karen Berman and Joseph Knight are the founders of the Los Angeles-based Business Literacy Institute. They train managers at organizations such as American Express, P&G, Pacific Life, GM and Tyco International. They have been interviewed in a wide range of print media including "BusinessWeek," "USA Today" and the "Los Angeles Times."

sobota, 8 marca 2014

literatura obcojęzyczna dla pasjonatów: The Ugly Truth, Diary of a Wimpy Kid Series : Book...

literatura obcojęzyczna dla pasjonatów: The Ugly Truth, Diary of a Wimpy Kid Series : Book...: Gr...

The Ugly Truth, Diary of a Wimpy Kid Series : Book 5 by Jeff Kinney

The Ugly Truth, Diary of a Wimpy Kid Series : Book 5 by Jeff Kinney, 9780143304999.

Greg Heffley has always been in a hurry to grow up. But is getting older really it's cracked up to be?

Greg suddenly finds himself dealing with the pressures of boy-girl parties, increased responsibilities, and even the awkward changes that come with getting older - all without his best friend, Rowley, at his side.

Can Greg make it through on his own? Or will he have to face the 'ugly truth'?

There is no doubt that the endearing escapades of the ever self-absorbed Greg Heffley and his motley band of friends has got all his fans hanging out for the next instalment. Following on from the huge success of books 1-4, the DIY diary, the movie diary and the film itself, book number five will suck us all in with glee and giggles.

Ten Things You Don't Know about Jeff Kinney
1. He still doesn't have to shave too often.
2. His first decent drawing was of a turtle at the age of 3 (Jeff, not the turtle).
3. He plays the piano "very, very poorly."
4. Jeff's brother Scott has written one of the songs in the movie, Diary of A Wimpy Kid.
5. He created the kids' website
6. His favourite computer games are the Mario Kart series.
7. His favourite sandwich is peanut butter and jelly (eeeuw).
8. His favourite song is 'Brownville Girl' by Bob Dylan.
9. He has two brothers and a sister.
10. At one stage he studied to become a federal law enforcement officer.

About The Author

Jeff Kinney is an online game developer and designer, and a number 1 New York Times bestselling author. In 2009, Jeff was named one of Time magazine's 100 Most Influential People in the World. He spent his childhood in the Washington, D.C., area and moved to New England in 1995. Jeff lives in southern Massachusetts with his wife and their two sons

piątek, 7 marca 2014

literatura obcojęzyczna dla pasjonatów: Famous Authors Series, The: Emily Dickinson

literatura obcojęzyczna dla pasjonatów: Famous Authors Series, The: Emily Dickinson: Famous Authors Series, The: Emily Dickinson Born in Amherst, Mas...

Famous Authors Series, The: Emily Dickinson

Famous Authors Series, The: Emily Dickinson Movie

Famous Authors Series, The: Emily Dickinson

Born in Amherst, Massachusetts, Emily Dickinson is one of the most well-known of American 19th century poets. Her unique and unorthodox approach to poetry made her a popular literary figure then and her work continues to influence many poets and other writers today.
Some of her most famous works include poems such as This is My Letter to the World and Wild Nights! Wild Nights!, among over 1,500 other poems she wrote. The first complete collection of her works published, was marred by editing, which disrupted the original language and flow of her poetry. Then in 1955 her complete unedited works were published in their original form for Dickinson fans to enjoy in their entirety. 

literatura obcojęzyczna dla pasjonatów: Home Herbal

literatura obcojęzyczna dla pasjonatów: Home Herbal: Home Herbal Cultivating Herbs for Your Health, Home and Wellbeing This book will give you the knowled...

Home Herbal

Home Herbal : Cultivating Herbs for Your Health, Home and Wellbeing - Maureen Little

Home Herbal

Cultivating Herbs for Your Health, Home and Wellbeing

This book will give you the knowledge and confidence to use your own herbs to make inexpensive wellbeing and domestic products from your own garden, without the need for costly commercial preparations, and with an eye to the more natural cultivation of useful herbs, in harmony with nature and in tune with our environment. It offers, to the budding herb grower and experienced gardener alike, a wealth of easy-to-follow advice and achievable projects on: cultivating and using herbs for your health, first-aid, wellbeing and beauty; growing and using herbs to enhance your surroundings and living spaces; how to grow, harvest, dry and look after your herbs; the best designs for your herb garden space; and a comprehensive A to Z of first-aid, cosmetic and household herbs.

czwartek, 6 marca 2014

literatura obcojęzyczna dla pasjonatów: Words from the Garden

literatura obcojęzyczna dla pasjonatów: Words from the Garden: Words from the Garden There is no gardening without humility. Nature is c...

Words from the Garden

Words from the Garden - Isobel Carlson

Words from the Garden

There is no gardening without humility. Nature is constantly sending even its oldest scholars to the bottom of the class for some egregious blunder. -Alfred Austin Inspired by all things green and flourishing, this beautiful collection of poetry and prose collects words of wisdom on everything from allotments to arboretums, from pergolas to potting sheds. The perfect book to dip into for a moment's reflection whether you are cooped up on a rainy day or admiring the fruits of your labour on a summer evening. AUTHOR: Isobel Carlson lives in an ivy-covered cottage in Wincheser where she enjoys reading and gardening in her spare time. SELLING POINTS: Gardening is seeing a huge surge in popularity, with more people turning to 'growing your own' Previous edition has sold nearly 5,000 copies. Isobel has written seven books including, 'The Vegetable Patch', 

środa, 5 marca 2014

literatura obcojęzyczna dla pasjonatów: The Edible Flower Garden

literatura obcojęzyczna dla pasjonatów: The Edible Flower Garden: The Edible Flower Garden From Garden to Kitchen: Choosing, Growing and Cooking Edible Flowers This ti...

The Edible Flower Garden

The Edible Flower Garden : From Garden to Kitchen: Choosing, Growing and Cooking Edible Flowers - Kathy Brown

The Edible Flower Garden

From Garden to Kitchen: Choosing, Growing and Cooking Edible Flowers

This title deals with planning, planting and cultivating over 25 edible flower schemes with accompanying recipes. It is an illustrated flower directory provides at-a-glance information on over 45 edible flower varieties and their complementary foods. Professional gardening and cooking tips ensure success both outdoors and in the kitchen. It is a stunning visual guide and informative reference to consult and treasure. Flowers have been used for culinary purposes since earliest times: rose petals have been used to perfume cakes for centuries, and the richly scented 'Parma' violet was a popular ingredient during the Victorian era. This unique gardening guide and recipe collection offers over 25 planting schemes, with accompanying recipes showing how to use the flowers in the kitchen. You can create a spring planter of violets and primroses, a scented lavender basket, or a striking pairing of sunflowers and nasturtiums, then create tasty dishes and drinks. With gorgeous photographs by award-winning Michelle Garrett, this book will delight both gardeners and cooks alike.

poniedziałek, 3 marca 2014

literatura obcojęzyczna dla pasjonatów: The Most Amazing Gardens in Britain and Ireland

literatura obcojęzyczna dla pasjonatów: The Most Amazing Gardens in Britain and Ireland: The Most Amazing Gardens in Britain and Ireland A Guide to the Most Magni...

The Most Amazing Gardens in Britain and Ireland

The Most Amazing Gardens in Britain and Ireland : A Guide to the Most Magnificent and Memorable Gardens - Reader's Digest

The Most Amazing Gardens in Britain and Ireland

A Guide to the Most Magnificent and Memorable Gardens
No two places are alike in this inspirational guide to 700 of the greatest British gardens.

From the cascading terraces of Powis Castle to the subterranean fantasy of Dewstow Grottoes, to the lake and classical temples of Stourhead or the magnificent topiary of Levens Hall, you'll find variety, drama, colour and plenty of surprise.

Kitchen gardens, water features, mazes, orchards, urban plots and arboretums - there's something for everyone plus all the necessary information to ensure that you visit when each garden is at its best.

literatura obcojęzyczna dla pasjonatów: Herb Handbook

literatura obcojęzyczna dla pasjonatów: Herb Handbook: Herb Handbook Discovering, Using and Enjoying Herbs The Herb Handbook ...

Herb Handbook

Herb Handbook : Discovering, Using and Enjoying Herbs - Sujata Bristow

Herb Handbook

Discovering, Using and Enjoying Herbs

The Herb Handbook looks at what herbs are and how they can be used and enjoyed. The first part of the book provides advice on growing, gathering and storing herbs and how to make various herbal preparations such as teas, tinctures, syrups, infused oils, poultices and creams.

The main part of the book is given over to a directory of over 120 of the most popular or commonly used herbs. Each directory entry gives information on usage, parts used and particular properties. A small selection of lessor known herbs is also included.

This book is an essential guide for all who are interested in these fascinating plants.

niedziela, 2 marca 2014

literatura obcojęzyczna dla pasjonatów: Italian Kitchen Garden obcojęzyczna dla pasjonatów: Italian Kitchen Garden:

literatura obcojęzyczna dla pasjonatów: Italian Kitchen Garden

literatura obcojęzyczna dla pasjonatów: Italian Kitchen Garden: Italian Kitchen Garden Enjoy the Flavours of Italy from Your Garden An ...

Italian Kitchen Garden

Italian Kitchen Garden : Enjoy the Flavours of Italy from Your Garden - Sarah Fraser

Italian Kitchen Garden

Enjoy the Flavours of Italy from Your Garden

An inspiring book for both gardeners and cooks. Bring Italy to your table by growing your own produce. Simple gardening advice and delicious recipes .

In 2002 Sarah Fraser and her family moved to a ramshackle Italian farmhouse in Tuscany with dreams of self-sufficiency and a more 'down-to-earth' lifestyle. Seven years and three TV series later (Channel 4's 'No Going Back', 'A Year in Tuscany' and 'The Great Italian Escape'), Sarah has amassed a wealth of knowledge about cultivating Italian produce and what you can do with it.

This is the perfect book for anyone who loves Italian food and would like to know how to grow it - even on a small scale. Whether you have a balcony, a patio, or space for a full kitchen garden, Sarah provides a wealth of easy-to-understand instructions and advice - tried and tested in her own garden.

Basic information on how to get started, soil preparation, tools and choosing what to grow, is followed by information on individual vegetables, fruits and herbs, each with a delicious selection of recipes. If you've ever wondered why Italian food tastes so good, this is the book for you.

About the Author

Sarah Fraser moved with her family to Tuscany in 2002 to renovate a dilapidated farmhouse - Casa del Sole. The family's adventures adapting to Italian life, running a guesthouse business, and striving for self-sufficiency were followed in three series for Channel 4 'No Going Back', 'A Year in Tuscany' and 'The Great Italian Escape'. Sarah now breeds Morgan horses and runs the farm shop between her developing her kitchen garden and testing recipes on family and friends. 

literatura obcojęzyczna dla pasjonatów: Garden Living

literatura obcojęzyczna dla pasjonatów: Garden Living: Garden Living Designing Outdoor Spaces to Gather, Cook, Play, and Relax ...

Garden Living

Garden Living : Designing Outdoor Spaces to Gather, Cook, Play, and Relax - Judy Kameon

Garden Living

Designing Outdoor Spaces to Gather, Cook, Play, and Relax

Gardens should be spaces that invite gathering, entertaining, and relaxing. Gardens are for living. This is the philosophy behind Judy Kameon's design, and it reflects a shift in the way people today relate to the areas around their homes. Kameon has developed a unique style of creating rooms outside. By extending interior design to the exterior, she shows how to effectively expand the space of the home. What's more, gardens provide opportunities to engage with our surroundings and with each other in new ways.

Here Kameon shares insights for making dynamic outdoor spaces that are both beautiful and useable. Inspired by the midcentury modern ethos that introduced the idea of everyday outdoor living, she explains how to construct complete environments - not just what to look for when choosing the paths, walls, and plants but also the lighting, furniture, and accessories.

The goal is to create a linked series of warm settings for different purposes to suit different occasions - whether it's a patio for cocktails around the fire pit, a large table for dinner parties, or a cozy hangout nook for curling up with a book. Use elements like mats, pillows, benches, lanterns, and benches to carve out individual retreats. It's an inspiring lifestyle with deep roots in California, but one that can be created anywhere.

literatura obcojęzyczna dla pasjonatów: Royal Gardens of Europe

literatura obcojęzyczna dla pasjonatów: Royal Gardens of Europe: Royal Gardens of Europe Versailles, Nymphenburg, Hampton Court, Schonbrun...

Royal Gardens of Europe

Royal Gardens of Europe - George Plumptre

Royal Gardens of Europe

Versailles, Nymphenburg, Hampton Court, Schonbrunn, Het Loo - some of the most famous gardens in history were created by European royalty during the last three hundred years. This fascinating and wide-ranging network of historically influential, recently restored, and contemporary gardens from Britain, France, Germany, Italy, Portugal, Austria, Belgium, Russia, Sweden, the Netherlands, the Czech Republic, Bulgaria, Poland, Denmark, and Spain is collected for the first time in Royal Gardens of Europe.

A lavishly illustrated volume, it includes not only well-known gardens such as Charlottenburg and Peterhof, much admired for their splendor, but also lesser-known landscapes created by royalty in recent decades - gardens that are just as impressive as their predecessors, but that set out to create intimacy rather than extravagant display.

sobota, 1 marca 2014

literatura obcojęzyczna dla pasjonatów: Down-to-Earth Garden Design

literatura obcojęzyczna dla pasjonatów: Down-to-Earth Garden Design: Down-to-Earth Garden Design How to Design and Build Your Dream Garden C...

Down-to-Earth Garden Design

Down-to-Earth Garden Design : How to Design and Build Your Dream Garden - Phil Dudman

Down-to-Earth Garden Design

How to Design and Build Your Dream Garden

Creating a dream garden might look easy on TV, but when you're standing in your own backyard it can be hard to know where to start.

This garden design book takes you through the planning and design process and gives you the practical skills, knowledge and construction ability to make your ideas a reality. Experienced gardener and landscape designer Phil Dudman breaks down the design process into a series of simple steps that you can follow at your own pace, in your own time. Learn how to draft your design, develop your style and draw a master plan and planting plan.

With Phil's professional design secrets and practical knowledge, you'll quickly be on your way to building retaining walls, steps and pergolas; laying pavers and pathways; and even installing drainage. And when the construction is done, he shows you how to establish a lawn, improve your soil and ensure your new garden flourishes.

Fully illustrated with easy to follow step-by-step diagrams and inspirational photographs, DOWN-TO-EARTH GARDEN DESIGN is the essential guide for any backyard gardener whether they want a stunning new design or just to make some improvements without enormous expense.